Not many people will tell you that they are enjoying lockdown but it has to be said, for me personally, I am actually having a lot of fun.

As a key-worker my forays into the capital, although not so frequent at the moment, are a lot of fun, with light traffic, easy parking and no queues in Pret a Manger 🙂
So, this time I was off to St Johns Wood, not somewhere I had wandered before, so I was excited to see what was about. When I saw ‘what’ of course I mean Geocaches. On to the map.
For those that don’t know, SJW is in North West London, close enough to the centre to walk and a quick Google throws up some interesting land marks. Regents Park, Lords Cricket Ground and the Holy Grail itself Abbey Road Studios – home of a Web-Cam Cache
I like to walk when I go to the capital, regardless of the weather, so having parked up nearby using the Your Parking Space website (recommend to anyone driving in, makes parking so hassle free!) I ventured over to Abbey Road. Being a Web-Cam, you need a picture of yourself on the crossing but thats too boring, so here is a video;