Every now and again Groundspeak and their unbreakable rules do drive me to distraction and this week I had another reason to pull my hair out.
I have been negotiating with a local parish council to place some caches in a beautiful wood near to my home, I had attended Council meetings and did my utmost to paint geocaching in a positive light (which is not hard) and allayed any fears of rampant hordes of children steaming through patchwork quilts of bluebells and wild flowers.
The wood is own by the National Trust and is leased to the council who took steps 12 months ago to open it up by clearing footpaths, cutting back brambles and giving it a general tidy up. All good stuff.
I happened to stop by the wood one morning and decided to pay it a visit. Its located in a small village north of Cambridge and it really is not somewhere you would stop unless you were aware of its presence. Or it had a geocache.
I walked the paths a few times and over the course of five or six visits I decided I had found suitable places to place some caches. Only one problem, no matter how I managed to manipulate the locations, I could only fit 2 caches inside the wood and I was short by around 80ft
There are no footpaths around the wood and only one entrance/exit so I was left with the dilemma or either a) only placing two caches or b) asking the Groundspeak reviewer if they would kindly allow 3 caches to be entered, to increase the enjoyment for us all.
Unfortunately, after having worded a nice enough explanation my caches were refused on the basis that one was too close to the other two. Now I am in a quandary. Do I simply hide two caches in the wood, or offset the first cache coordinates a little to enable me to squeeze three in?