A recent post on the UK Geocaching Facebook forum, was;
Quite new to this game, but enjoying it.
Have a question.
In a recent drive around the highlands I managed to find a cache but was ubable to sign the log as it was hanging about 7′ up in a tree, I am only 5’2″, you see my problem.
Can I claim this one?
On the face of it, this is a big fat NO. Signing the log is an integral part of claiming a find and I have to be honest, I get a little frustrated at tree climb caches. In my opinion, for what thats worth, I think that anyone claiming a tree climb cache must have climbed the tree. Standing at the bottom shouting words of encouragement as the smallest, youngest and fittest of your the geocaching group scampers up to sign the log with your name should be outlawed! (Of course if you cache and log as a family or group under one account, then sure, send up the child you like the least to do the hard work for you ;0))
Perhaps when my bones tell me that tree climbing is now off the agenda I will feel differently but for now, that’s the stance I’m taking.
Some of the others replies seem to echo my thoughts, without being quite as clear cut.
- I am only 5’2 ” as well so some caches out of my reach too lol. I only have issue if its a one star and says its head or eye level and it is then seven feet up… otherwise I assume I need to use a tool or climb.
- Sorry, retrieving the cache is part of the challenge.
The reason is that until you’ve got it out and seen the log, how do you know it is the cache? I’ve removed logs on the Oracle Microcache when cachers have claimed to find it but hadn’t actually retrieved it. In a number of cases having talked to them they hadn’t actually got the right spot, had got their fingers on something they thought was the cache but if they had got whatever it was out they would have found that it wasn’t the cache after all. - Afraid I agree with the others and as a cache owner I wouldn’t let you have the find unless you had reached it at least. Using equipment or caching buddies shoulders to stand on! (Teams do this where one signs and the others touch, in situ of course! )