I recently managed to bag another fantastic bargain from the great website 7dayshop.com. “A superb and VERY...
I have been geocaching since Feb 2012 having lots of fun discovering new places that I may otherwise have missed.
I am due to look for a cache that has not been found since June 2012, roughly...
Any cache with 77 (at the time of writing) favourite points has to be worth a look...
Would love to get a closer look! I have always found these (ugly?) structures quite eerie to...
Thinking about what target to reach in 2014, I have decided to achieve a clear 10 mile...
Let me get a couple of things straight off the bat. I love Geocaching. I will tolerate...
Geocaching FAQ. Please let me know if there is anything missing or we have missed out on....
It was time to jump on the Geo Bike and hit the remaining caches in Mildenhall Woods....
I’m no ‘fair weather cacher’ but even I have to admit that 2 caches by the middle...
Geocaching, underground, abandoned caves. – Those words when used in a sentence, had by heart racing and...