Every now and again, you come across a cache which is a little special, a little different and it makes the DNFs and walking in the rain worthwhile.
I am lucky enough to cache in an area where the geocacher jjef puts out caches so good, that you want to give a favourite point to every single one (and many people do!)
I have yet to find a <dare I say it> ‘boring’ cache from jjef, no Tupperware in sight, no film pot behind the post and no nano on a road sign. No, these caches are outrageously good and I recommend them without reservation.
Today I attempted a short series of 5 caches and was greeted with Magnets, Keys, Ropes, Padlocks and fabulous hand carved co-ordinate ‘pieces’ amongst others that make you wonder just how long it has taken to create.
If you find yourself with the opportunity to complete a cache by jjef then I can only recommend that you take it with both hands. Its how geocaching should be done and will remind you just why you fell in love with caching itself.